Tips for small-medium business websites


Unlike large or enterprise businesses, small-medium businesses do not have enough marketing funds. However, they do need a professional look that presents to the public. Same as a vehicle, instead of choosing a luxury brand, they need a economic type. Websites Garage has an easy to remember word "SMOOTH" which is recommended to small-medium businesses. It refers to Simple, Maintainable, Organized, Optimized, Tested, and Healthy.


A travel trailer is not suitable for driving to work. Unless it is a enterprise or online focus company, Websites Garage recommends to keep your website as simple as possible. This not only can save up cost for design and hosting, but will also save cost during the website updating and maintenance stage. In addition, keeping website simple can also help the web surfer find the information, save time, keep the website perform well and much more.


A website should be a part of your Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). IMC should give consistent marketing information over years, because changing the image in the public mind is expensive and difficult. A maintainable website could serve your organization for a long time, be cost effective and communicate efficiently.


Content is always the king. It is extremely important that the information is easily accessible for web readers. Putting your feet into the readers' shoes can greatly benefit the success of your website and your business.


There are two things need to be optimized: Search Engine and performance. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a must for a business website. SEO should be a part of the final website evaluation: Can your website be searched through Google? One easy tip is to check is if your URL has a question mark (?) ? The current web crawls are not able to index the URLs which has question marks. The other thing is the performance optimization. Can your website be displayed within two seconds? Small websites usually do not have this problem. However, this can be tricky if you have lots of big, high quality graphics, flashes, or using Content Management Systems etc.

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