How To Get Involved
Literacy touches virtually every aspect of our lives. It is essential to personal growth and development, and has a profound influence on our economic and social well being. The sobering fact is that almost 50% of adults in Newfoundland and Labrador have low literacy skills.
At PGI Newfoundland and Labrador with support of our many beneficiaries, we are committed to ensuring that all Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans have access to the education they need to get jobs, take care of their families and participate fully in their communities. To make that happen, we need your help.
Please become a Sponsor or make a Donation, today.
Giving to PGI – NL Supports:
- Adults who want to improve their literacy skills
- Kids and parents learning together
- Our toll free hotline offering confidential and sensitive literacy information and referral services
- Training and professional development for literacy practitioners, teachers, community agencies, volunteer tutors, etc.
- Materials and resources for literacy practitioners and others in the field
- Promoting the importance of strong literacy skills for everyone
- ... and much more
How You Can Help:
- Make a donation
- Enter a team in the PGI Golf tournament for Literacy and network with many professionals, volunteers, and people committed to supporting literacy in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Support a PGI Literacy event, Whether as sponsor, volunteer or participant, your support is needed for our many fundraising events
There are many more ways to help support the PGI’s in Newfoundland and Labrador. Call or email now, to join in with many others in support of improving literacy skills for the people of this beautiful province. To learn about more ways to help support the PGI in Newfoundland and Labrador, please Contact Us